What New Pilots Should Know About Flight Logbook Upkeep

What New Pilots Should Know About Flight Logbook Upkeep

Only a few professions today still require logbooks, particularly those that primarily take the form of books, use actual paper, and demand handwritten signatures. Pilots fall under this category as keeping flight logbooks is crucial for many reasons, from tracking flight training and one’s aviation growth, which includes hours flown in specific aircraft as well as the number of landings.

At first, it may prove challenging to switch to the old-school style of logging things by hand, having to write neatly and getting the math right after getting used to modern tech. However, maintaining an accurate and orderly logbook is one key area where you can set yourself apart from other aviators.

Your first few logbooks may contain several or many cross-outs and likely be unorganised and sloppy. Given that you still have a lot to learn, try not to feel too awful about this. Making mistakes early on is an excellent method to gradually learning how to complete tasks correctly. Below, we share some tips on how you can keep your flight logbook neat, professional, and in tip-top shape.


1. Keep your logbooks in controlled environments

Be mindful of where you put your logbooks, and always ensure they are constantly protected from harm. A good rule of thumb is always storing them in clean and dry places away from the elements, as exposure to a humid atmosphere or moisture could ruin them and the contents within. Better yet, encase them in a resealable bag for added protection wherever you go. Doing so further reduces the risk of accidents leading to ink smudges, wrinkled pages, unpleasant smells, or worse.


2. Cross out errors with only one line

You’re bound to make occasional mistakes while training for your private pilot license in Singapore. When you do, cross them out neatly with just a single clean and swift stroke-through and write “see next line for correction” on the margin if necessary. While there are ways to make corrections like whiteout tape or markets, many in the aviation industry generally see this as unprofessional. To keep up with the current trends, feel free to check in with your instructor.


3. Organise your logbooks in a folder

It’s best practice to arrange your logbooks in a folder. This helps you keep things organised and organise your records in the order they were made for easy access. It also helps keep your logbooks safe and protected from damage and makes it easier to find them if needed.


4. Use both paper and digital logbooks

Use Both Paper And Digital Logbooks

For the time being, keeping a logbook may feel like an obligation, but perhaps it will also serve as a pleasant reminder of your journey as a student pilot. With a bit of planning, you can find pleasure in keeping track of things while knowing that, in the future, you’ll be able to take satisfaction in your growth and advancement. While paper logbooks are preferable for students since you need them for signatures, it’s also a good idea to keep some backup just in case.

Electronic logbooks make for a great choice with plenty of options to choose from. Regardless of which you choose, be sure to keep all the details professionally documented.

If you’re aiming to become a professional pilot and make a career out of it, you’ll need to bring both your paper and digital logbooks. Make it a habit to input your flight information into a digital format as soon as you log it into your paper logbook as early as possible (ideally, while you’re still taking private flying lessons in Singapore).


5. Prioritise accuracy in your logbooks 

When it comes to flight logbooks, it doesn’t matter how many you have. What matters is that each of them is created impeccably with precision, totalled correctly at the end, and the times documented get forwarded accurately in the next logbook.

Many airline pilots use a compact trip book to keep track of their duty and flight times. When they have the time to write more clearly, they use their notes from the compact notebook to produce log entries in their primary logbooks.



Your flight logbooks serve as a professional resume for you as a pilot. You should attempt to come across to potential employers as professional and well-prepared if you wish to pursue a career in aviation. Keep these tips in mind to adequately maintain your logbooks and take care of them throughout your training journey.

Having considered these things, learning to fly can be a fun experience. There are many great things you can do with a PPL. Regardless of why you want to learn, flying can be an exhilarating experience.


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