Planes. Passion. Prestige.
The epitome of aviation lifestyle. Just when you thought you’ve experienced life’s defining moments, you discover our professionally managed WOA flying club!
Why Join WOA Flying Club?
Picture this for a conversational topic over a meal with your friends; you mention to your friends that you are learning to fly or that you would like to fly them to the beach for the weekend?
Live life to the fullest, check out Asia’s ground-breaking Flying Club community. You Fly. You Learn. You Meet. You Experience.
Learn2Fly Experiential Programs
Flying is when the union of art and science evolves into an enchanting experience most intimate to your senses.
Private Pilot License Course (USA FAA or SIN CAAS)
No dreams too unreachable. No Bucket list too unattainable.
Aircraft-Share Scheme (for private flying only)
Newest and most technologically-advanced airplanes for WOA members to fly in.
Pilot Proficiency Programs (for certified pilots)
It is possible to fly without motors. But not without knowledge, skill and proficiency.
Hangar66 Clubhouse
First in Asia Pacific - Designed, build and operated by the people who fly | operate | own | maintain and LOVES airplanes!
Escorted Signature Flying Tours
Taking you further and higher along the roads less traveled.
Aircraft Ownership / Joint-Ownership Support
The pinnacle. Not delaying gratification and living the moment.
Private Jet Charter
When Time becomes the most valuable commodity to you and money cannot buy back once it’s gone.

Flying Club Lifestyle
The Community. The Journeys. The Memories.
Membership Categories
Something for everyone! Whether you are an aircraft owner, a private pilot, a corporate flight department or simply an aviation enthusiast, we have a package for you to enjoy a hassle-free aviation lifestyle and not miss out on one of life's greatest experience.
WOA Flying Club (Individual)
Term Membership - SGD$2,400.00 per year. Immediate family member Add-on SGD$600.00 per person.
For student pilots, licensed pilots and aircraft owners
WOA Flying Club (Corporate)
Customised Membership for Companies - Price on Enquiry
For approved industry partners (no conflict of interest)
Fully customised benefits and pricing, contact us to discuss.
ClubWOA Jet Club / Founder’s Club
By invitation only
WOA Asia Aviators Gathering
An simple event that began with a BBQ by the beach-side, now an annual major event in various Asian country.
2018 WOA Asia Aviators Gathering
2013 WOA Asia Aviators Gathering
2012 WOA Asia Aviators Gathering
2014 WOA Asia Aviators Gathering
2011 WOA Asia Aviators Gathering
2010 WOA Asia Aviators Gathering
Contact WOA Flying Club.
WOA Flying Club and ClubWOA are unincorporated proprietary clubs managed and owned by WingsOverAsia Pte Ltd (the proprietor). WingsOverAsia Pte Ltd is the sole owner of the Seletar Clubhouse & Hangar66 Facility with current land lease expiring Yr2044. For aircraft charters/lease, WOA Flying Club and ClubWOA acts as an agent for/between Club members and is not an operator of the program aircraft; licensed air operator certificate holders in the program exercise full operational control of the program aircraft.